Wednesday, June 19, 2013



CLEANSHIELD: This is a liquid food supplement that helps to increase your PH level from acidic to alkaline. We all know that acidity is a killer and detriment to our health. It has a PH of 11.4 and it has no side effect at all. Due to the increase of health challenges in the world today CLEANSHIELD has been a home food supplement every family should have to cater these health challenges.
The foods in our market today are no longer a helping matter because of the mechanization by which it was produced. The natural fruits and vegetables which God initially expected to be eating as human is no longer there to be found rather all we have today is fruits and vegetables processed through fertilization.
For us to maintain a healthy body system our body must be 20% Acidic and 80% Alkaline according to Prof. Ragnar, a renowned Nutritionist from WHO.
CLEANSHIELD: is effect in balancing the PH of the body to normal. At this juncture boost the immune system and breaks down acidosis to extinction. Acidosis is a situation where our body is subjected to a high acidic condition. And a high acidic conditions is the chief cause of these diseases and infections such as
HPB, bad body cholesterol, Cancer, Ulcer, , Viral infections, Arthritis, Malaria, Typhoid miscarriages, Internal Infections, Eye Problems, Skin Infection, Candida, impotency, erectile dysfunction, asthma, stroke, menstrual pains, hormonal imbalance, memory loss, Diabetes, , Liver etc.

When the body PH is balance with CLEANSHIELD.
1.     There would be proper metabolism of fat
2.     There would be healthy insulin production
3.     There would be healthy oxygen flow
4.     There would be proper blood regulation
5.     There would be cellular generation
From the word alone CLEANSHIELD, it cleans the body ocean and shield it from diseases and infections. The human body is 70% volume of water which needed to be kept clean from any free radicals. When this body ocean is clean with CLEANSHIELD our system will naturally takes care of any diseases and infection. We all have our doctor within according to the French doctor only if our body ocean that is the water content of our body is clean.


1. Interrupt blood flow in our system
2. Increases free- radicals and premature aging
3. Causes weight gain, diabetes and obesity
4. Blocks and corrodes arteries, veins and heart tissues
5. Increases bad cholesterol in our system
6. Inhibits oxygen flow
7.  Inhibits metabolism of stored energy in our liver
8.  Inhibits cellular regeneration
9.  Inhibits lipid and fatty acid metabolism
10. Weakens our system from functioning normal
11. Makes our body a Breeding ground for bacterial and viral pathogens.
12. Predisposes our body to all kinds of diseases and infections


1. Stop Malaria
2.  Stop Typhoid
3.  Fight against HIV
4.  To Resist Obesity
5.   For Weight Control
6.   For Proper Blood regulation
7.   Cellular Regeneration
8.   Lower bad Cholesterol
9.   Insulin production
10. Fight Acidosis
11. For Proper Metabolism of fat
12. Boost Immune system
13. Regulate Blood Pressure
14. Fasten wound healing
15.  Utilize calcium in our body
16. To boost Energy Level in our body system
17. Healthy Oxygen Flow
18. Resist Diseases and infections
19. Lower Blood Sugar in the body.
20. Fight fatigue
The use of cleanshield raises the body PH very quickly and causes the body ocean which is 70% to be free from diseases and infections.
I particularly, am a proof of this amazing power of cleanshield. Before I bought the product I was having symptoms of malaria and typhoid fever. But when I bought just a bottle of cleanshield and took it as directed I became completely okay, getting to six months now I am in good sound of health unlike before I treat malaria and typhoid fever on monthly basis. This made me not only to be a consumer but I join the business opportunity of cleanshield as a distributor because a good market sells itself. A product that works needed no advertisement just to sell but for people to be a beneficiary of the good product.
                                                                   ------Prospect Nwafor
                                                                       CEO Glinksgroup

I suffered ulcer for 28 years. When I was an ulcer patient, I visited the best medical hospital in United States of America but all I could hear from doctors was that I should manage the ulcer. I was place to a particular diet but I was imagining a situation like that because most at times we were in party and outside the home. Most of my foods I ate them outside my home and you can’t imagine being outside home and control your diet because most at time you have no option than to eat what is place before you. But when I came in contact with cleanshield I was amaze on the relief I received from it. Ulcer for 28 years became a thing of the past in my life with just few bottles of cleanshield. With this now I had to make a move to bring this amazing product to Africa starting from Nigeria. Even my mother last time I took her to hospital the doctor was saying that her organs are too young to compare with her age because she takes cleanshield as one of her diets.
                                                                 ---------- Chidimma Ezeiyi
                                                       MD/CEO Cleanshield for Africa

With these, I recommend CLEANSHIELD to every home for their dietary supplement which our foods in the market can not meet up with. Our health crisis in the world today can be curbed by making sure every household have CLEANSHIELD in their food menu regularly.

You can become a user/distributor of this amazing product today.
Get monthly incentives from the company while you make your gain and live a healthy and wealthy life all with CLEANSHIELD.

Contact me for more information on: +2348033779521 or  mail:

Wednesday, June 12, 2013



All bodies of water have a balance of H ions and OH ions which is expressed on a scale
of 0 to 14. The proper pH balance of the
water within the body is 7.0 and MUST BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT OUR LIVES.
THIS IS RULE # 1. Our body must have
this balance. When we allow the body‟s
pH levels to go lower than 7.0, an acidic
condition begins to occur.

Water, which is made of hydrogen and oxygen, makes up approximately 70% of the body. An 86 kg person actually has about 60 liters of water within his body! We are a LIQUID system with an "OCEAN" of water within us.
We are not as “solid” as we think. As we consider this fact we need to ask ourselves the following two questions:
1. What is the condition of this “OCEAN” of water within?
2. Does the condition of this “OCEAN” affect our health?


As we allow the levels of acidity within the body to increase, we let a “destroyer” of health loose within us. Our amazing body constantly fights to control acidity with very complex acidic waste management systems.
HOWEVER, these systems can be overwhelmed. When this happens, the result is ACIDOSIS – a dangerous INTERNAL ACIDIC POLLUTION of the “OCEAN” within.
The “universe” of complexity at the molecular level within us then comes under a very destructive attack. At a microscopic, invisible level, our internal organs are weakened as they become increasingly acidic. Our “inner terrain” with its inner ocean begins to invite and promote the growth of harmful pathogens of bacteria, viruses, fungi and mold. As these harmful pathogens begin to multiply, an internal metabolic NIGHT-MARE is created, resulting in sickness, disease or poor health.


We ourselves are to blame, although often in ignorance. We need to find out what we are doing wrong! What are we doing to “pollute” the internal ocean? Here are 5 things we often do that make a big “NEGATIVE” difference.
Much of what we eat is acid-forming instead of alkaline-forming within the body. Our internal pH balance is greatly affected by our dietary input. We need to eat more alkalinizing foods and less acidifying foods. In the long term, it makes a HUGE difference.
The ongoing trend of greatly increased sugar in the diet is very
dangerous. Overconsumption of sugar not only leads to diabetic conditions but is also a HUGE contributor to internal acidity.
We drink other liquids like coffee, tea, soft drinks or alcohol.
However, we simply do not believe or understand the importance of simply drinking clean water. Many other liquids we drink are
diuretics and contribute to acidity.
Internal acidity is also produced by emotions like anger, bitterness, and other negative emotions. We lose our “peace” and spiritual order in this modern lifestyle as we try to keep up with a fast-paced world and lose proper focus on God the creator
The body has the ability to control acidity in many ways. However, this ability is seriously compromised by a lack of physical fitness. We must resist a sedentary lifestyle.
The body is constantly fighting to neutralize the onslaught of internal acidity produced by our “wrong steps”. As this important battle is lost, the amazing health defense system in our wonderfully made body begins to
Be encouraged! Just as we help create many health
problems, we also can do much to overcome those same
problems. Understanding the “rules” of the body and
WITHIN… is the answer.
The task is to CLEAN the water of your body – the “Inner OCEAN”. As you purify this foundational part of our metabolic universe, our awesomely designed body is empowered to better raise its SHIELD against disease.
contact me 08033779521


Letter from the Inventor

Let me introduce myself: My name is AL Siamon. I am 80 years young. Most of my family died relatively young from diseases, such as heart trouble, colitis, and cancer, which lead me to my life’s work. I have been working for more than 50 years to develop products for the betterment of humanity. During these past 4 years I have been doing research primarily in Africa and North America. My Africa work has been concentrated in the countries of Nigeria, Ivory Coast, and Liberia with doctors, hospitals and missionaries. The results of my research conclusively show the human body can be healthy if given the opportunity. It is all about ridding your body of the acid build-up in the body. The medical science world knows that if your body is acidic you can and will most likely get sick. Yet it offers no drugs or viable solutions to quickly remove the acid. My research has proven conclusively that Balance 7 can and will rapidly bring the immune system to such a high degree of effectiveness to cause the body’s release of toxin buildup, resulting in the eradication of diseases that have plagued man for so long. Balance 7 does not kill anything. It does not kill viruses or bacteria, rather, triggers the immune system to do what God intended it to do. I have no reservations in describing Balance 7 as being synonymous with the words longevity and health. It is a blend of all-natural ingredients and has no known side effects. Balance 7 can and will change your life for the better.
Al Siamon



What happens when I take Cleanshield™?
Boost pH levels in the body
Higher pH stimulates the immune system
Immune system attacks invading disease conditions
A wide range of degenerative diseases thrive in an acidic (unbalanced pH) environment. Eliminate the unbalanced condition with Cleanshield™.
Launch your fight for acid – alkaline balance with Cleanshield™
Cleanshield™ is the fastest and simplest way to boost alkalinity
 Body metabolic processes perform at best levels
 Trigger response of the immune system
 Experience the body’s powerful ability to fight disease
What is Cleanshield?
 Special blend of all-natural minerals in water
  pH level of 11.0 – 11.3
 Designed to stimulate production of alkalinity buffers
This safe-to-use high pH blend of minerals has a pH range slightly higher than 11.0 that demonstrates the ability to boost body pH level fast.
How Does Cleanshield Work?
When Cleanshield™ is ingested, it dramatically dilutes the acid in the stomach, triggering the body’s mechanism for producing more acid. This process also results in a corresponding equal production of alkalinity within the body.
 Trigger body’s own production of alkalinity
 Neutralize areas of excessive acidity
  Balanced pH levels stimulate immune system
 Immune system more effectively fights all disease conditions
The result of this Cleanshield™ newly produced alkalinity; a powerful dynamic for healing is created. A properly pH-balanced body enables the immune system to effectively combat toxins, diseases, parasites and other harmful foreign invasions in order to maintain a healthy system. No known harmful pathogens can survive in the human body with a pH near 7.0
contact me at 08033779521 or

Friday, June 7, 2013

Church Members: What Is Your Pastor Packing on His Back?

Just Last Monday
Just last Monday, looking around the room in our monthly Ministry Team meeting, I surveyed the audience. There were around 40 people present, men and women who lead our specific ministries, along with some personal assistants. Among that group of not more than 40 people:
  *Four of them had lost one of their parents in the past four weeks
         *One of them had just lost twins through a miscarriage
         *One of them had lost a 30-year-old son four months ago, which also meant another one of our staff members lost their son-in-law
Therefore, imagine this room of around 40 people — seven of them had suffered dramatic life-altering loss in recent days.
Pastors Pack Personal Pain And Challenge Daily
Church members often forget the personal life of a Pastor. He experiences real pain, suffering, and loss just like them.
Dr. Keith Thomas, one of my dear Pastor friends was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer six years ago. Until last Saturday night, he confounded the wise, outliving this disease like few, if any, others. Can you imagine: He lived before the church and the world all of those years, having been handed a death sentence over six years ago. Yet, he literally crawled to the pulpit in his last days, sitting in a chair while he preached, stopping to catch his breath. Less than one month ago, he preached for the last time.
Dr. Rick Warren, another dear Pastor friend, lost his 27-year-old son this past Saturday. For all those years, Pastor Warren and his wife, Kay, carried the burden of having a son that dealt with mental illness. Before the entire world, Rick and Kay have carried this ongoing challenge on their backs. Yet, they remain faithful.
These two ministry families are representative of every Pastor and his family across the world. While these families may be extreme illustrations, please know that every pastor I know carries personal “stuff” on his back, PLUS church “stuff.” As a church member, are you being sensitive to the needs of your Pastor and his family?
Do Not Add To What Your Pastor Is Packing On His Back Already
I have thought about how the “critics” of Keith Thomas and/or Rick Warren feel today, knowing these men have suffered loss greatly, one of his own life, and another, the loss of his son. I talk to pastors regularly from all over the nation and the church critics are tough on them, causing immense despair periodically.
I understand — I have my own critics. I always have and always will, just like any other pastor. The amazing thing I have come to know personally, is that it does not usually matter if your wife is fighting cancer, or your dad dies suddenly, or your mom dies of cancer, or other painful matters arise . . . critics usually never retreat in the midst of pain. They just add to what the pastor is packing on his back already.
There have been Sundays where I felt like crawling to the pulpit to preach. Besides my own challenges or grief or losses, I had to deal with the critics, never seemingly able to live up to their unrealistic expectations. On top of this, I minister to them regardless of what they think or how they act, yet I’m ignored by them when I have carried my own pain and loss.
Pastors Need You To Help Carry Them
I love ministering to pastors and their families. I know what it is like. I am one of them. I have served all size churches, in all kinds of towns, and in all types of situations. Pastors need people to help carry them. If I can do that for a Pastor, I will do it.
As a church member, I want to challenge you gently but unashamedly, walk with your Pastor, carrying him not only in prayer but also encouraging him. It does not matter which conference I am asked to speak at, I am always told, “Just encourage our pastors. They are dealing with discouragement and never have anyone encourage them in their calling and pastoral journey.” How sad! I promise you, those word are the words I am told repeatedly.
The church should walk with their Pastor. The Church should lift their Pastor up in prayer continually. The Church should be the greatest defender of the Pastor, not his greatest critic. Don’t add to what he is packing on his back already . . . the burden of the church and various personal life struggles. Make it your goal to carry the load with him. Be like Aaron and Hur, who lifted up the arms of Moses, not weighing them downward. When they stood with Moses in prayer, the people of God won and when they did not, the people of God struggled. Make it your personal goal to stand with your Pastor, bringing honor to him because he teaches you the Word of God.